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Gran juego en su idea. Nos resultó muy difícil. No pudimos pasar el primer nivel. Debería introducir los wall jumps más adelante. Pero nos encantó la idea.


very fun but BRUTAL :P! sabotage mode comes too quickly and ghosts get angry really fast, but the idea of a sabotage mode is great.
It's definitely an adrenaline rush

Short but fun game!! I like it!! Good job :D Maybe reducing a bit the difficulty of the game or making the difficulty scale slowly will be a good idea, as for now levels are a bit hard…


Thanks for the suggestion! If I ever make this a full game, I'll definitely make the levels to increase the difficulty more gradually.  I made this jam version hard because otherwise it would be too short.

Thanks for playing!


You’re welcome!! Oh okay, I understand I hope to see this project be a full one, the idea is great and with some more mechanics it can be fun


Oh god, I forgot how bad I was in wall jumping and having to be fast, lol. Nevertheless, awesome little game tbh. The sabotage mode got me like o_o oh frek. The added controller support works perfectly as well :3
Great job Fuz and good luck in the big jam!
<3 Tchii

Thank you for playing! :)

Wow this game's so fun!
But I can't beat the first level lol.
I wish there was gamepad support.

Thanks for playing!

Did you try using a controller? I added gamepad support.

None of my controllers work. Maybe I need an Xbox or Playstation controller? I have a Gamecube one and a generic usb gamepad.

Also at one point, dash stopped working after I clicked "exit" to the main menu and tried playing again.

It's still an awesome game tho! Also, i didn't know you could dash in any direction.

I only tested Xbox controller to be honest, I would like to add support for others too.

You're right, I should clarify that thing about that dashing in any direction, it's very useful in later levels.

Thanks for playing!